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Outstanding Graduate of the Year

 NWSHH Founders Award

Each year, NWSHH recognizes our outstanding graduating students by honoring them through our vibrant Recognition program. Active participation is integral to the success of this process. Based on the individual students overall graduating score we select 1 of our top outstanding graduating nominees.


Past recipients of the NWSHH Graduate Student of the Year Award are:


2018: Darius Bosh

2017: Monica Nemeth

2016: Lilia Mesa
2015: Emily Kuezek
2014: Jerry Cherry
2013: Brittany Philbert
2012: Daryl Cummings
2011: Bre Hardy
2010: Ashley Wichman
2009: Bryan Botts
2008: Gregory Fontus
2007: Amy Zuchlewski
2006: Serena LoConte
2005: Greg Connell

Honorable mention: Shawn Conklin




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